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Manual focusing

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Manual focusing Empty Manual focusing

Post by Admin Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:29 pm

Being the pauper that I am, I have recently purchased a secondhand Tokina 35-200mm Macro lens for my Nikon d5300. It hasn't arrived yet, but I believe that it is manual focus only, whereas all my others have auto-focus.

I have played with manual focus before, particular with my kit lens and LiveView in order to get some nice images where the AF was focusing on the wrong thing etc. And for stationary, macro style images, I am happy to do this again. But I'd like to use this lens as a normal lens as well, so I don't want to miss a shot because of faffing about focussing.

I am well aware that I need to practice in order to get better at it, but I was wondering if people had any hints or tips for speeding up manual focus. After all, practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

Cheers santa

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